5,916 research outputs found

    Symmetric mixed states of nn qubits: local unitary stabilizers and entanglement classes

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    We classify, up to local unitary equivalence, local unitary stabilizer Lie algebras for symmetric mixed states into six classes. These include the stabilizer types of the Werner states, the GHZ state and its generalizations, and Dicke states. For all but the zero algebra, we classify entanglement types (local unitary equivalence classes) of symmetric mixed states that have those stabilizers. We make use of the identification of symmetric density matrices with polynomials in three variables with real coefficients and apply the representation theory of SO(3) on this space of polynomials.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table, title change and minor clarifications for published versio

    Optimal measurements for relative quantum information

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    We provide optimal measurement schemes for estimating relative parameters of the quantum state of a pair of spin systems. We prove that the optimal measurements are joint measurements on the pair of systems, meaning that they cannot be achieved by local operations and classical communication. We also demonstrate that in the limit where one of the spins becomes macroscopic, our results reproduce those that are obtained by treating that spin as a classical reference direction.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Interpolation Method for Update with Out-of-Sequence Measurements: The Augmented Fixed-Lag Smoother

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    In this study, the authors propose a novel method to handle OOSMs in Kalman filtering. The proposed method, called the augmented fixed-lag smoother (AFLS), is based on the fixed-lag smoother (FLS) formulation, which has been shown to be optimal [10]. We generate the OOSM node from the two adjacent nodes, plug the generated estimations into the state vector and the covariance matrix, and update the filter with OOSMs using the FLS update equation. This approach gives a generalized solution that can handle any number of OOSMs. We also extend the AFLS algorithm to nonlinear system, called the extended AFLS (EAFLS), and give an application example on a satellite-tracking problem

    Malaria transmission potential could be reduced with current and future climate change

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    Several studies suggest the potential for climate change to increase malaria incidence in cooler, marginal transmission environments. However, the effect of increasing temperature in warmer regions where conditions currently support endemic transmission has received less attention. We investigate how increases in temperature from optimal conditions (27 °C to 30 °C and 33 °C) interact with realistic diurnal temperature ranges (DTR: ± 0 °C, 3 °C, and 4.5 °C) to affect the ability of key vector species from Africa and Asia (Anopheles gambiae and An. stephensi) to transmit the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. The effects of increasing temperature and DTR on parasite prevalence, parasite intensity, and mosquito mortality decreased overall vectorial capacity for both mosquito species. Increases of 3 °C from 27 °C reduced vectorial capacity by 51-89% depending on species and DTR, with increases in DTR alone potentially halving transmission. At 33 °C, transmission potential was further reduced for An. stephensi and blocked completely in An. gambiae. These results suggest that small shifts in temperature could play a substantial role in malaria transmission dynamics, yet few empirical or modeling studies consider such effects. They further suggest that rather than increase risk, current and future warming could reduce transmission potential in existing high transmission settings

    Trans‐generational parasite protection associated with paternal diet

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/110089/1/jane12289.pd

    k-SLAM: Accurate and ultra-fast taxonomic classification and gene identification for large metagenomic datasets

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    k-SLAM is a highly e cient algorithm for the characterisa- tion of metagenomic data. Unlike other ultra-fast metage- nomic classi ers, full sequence alignment is performed allow- ing for gene identi cation and variant calling in addition to accurate taxonomic classi cation. A k -mer based method provides greater taxonomic accuracy than other classi ers and a three orders of magnitude speed increase over align- ment based approaches. The use of alignments to nd vari- ants and genes along with their taxonomic origins enables novel strains to be characterised. k-SLAM's speed allows a full taxonomic classi cation and gene identi cation to be tractable on modern large datasets. A pseudo-assembly method is used to increase classi cation accuracy by up to 40% for species which have high sequence homology within their genus

    Trace formulas for stochastic evolution operators: Smooth conjugation method

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    The trace formula for the evolution operator associated with nonlinear stochastic flows with weak additive noise is cast in the path integral formalism. We integrate over the neighborhood of a given saddlepoint exactly by means of a smooth conjugacy, a locally analytic nonlinear change of field variables. The perturbative corrections are transfered to the corresponding Jacobian, which we expand in terms of the conjugating function, rather than the action used in defining the path integral. The new perturbative expansion which follows by a recursive evaluation of derivatives appears more compact than the standard Feynman diagram perturbation theory. The result is a stochastic analog of the Gutzwiller trace formula with the ``hbar'' corrections computed an order higher than what has so far been attainable in stochastic and quantum-mechanical applications.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, New techniques and results for a problem we considered in chao-dyn/980703

    Constraint on the Assembly and Dynamics of Galaxies. II. Properties of Kiloparsec-Scale Clumps in Rest-Frame Optical Emission of z ~ 2 Star-Forming Galaxies

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    We study the properties of luminous stellar "clumps" identified in deep, high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope NIC2/F160W imaging at 1.6 μm of six z ~ 2 star-forming galaxies with existing near-infrared integral field spectroscopy from SINFONI at the Very Large Telescope. Individual clumps contribute ~0.5%-15% of the galaxy-integrated rest-frame ≈5000 Å emission, with median of ≈2%; the total contribution of clump light ranges from 10% to 25%. The median intrinsic clump size and stellar mass are ~1 kpc and ~10^9 M_☉, in the ranges for clumps identified in rest-UV or line emission in other studies. The clump sizes and masses in the subset of disks are broadly consistent with expectations for clump formation through gravitational instabilities in gas-rich, turbulent disks given the host galaxies' global properties. By combining the NIC2 data with Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS)/F814W imaging available for one source, and adaptive-optics-assisted SINFONI Hα data for another, we infer modest color, M/L, and stellar age variations within each galaxy. In these two objects, sets of clumps identified at different wavelengths do not fully overlap; NIC2-identified clumps tend to be redder/older than ACS- or Hα-identified clumps without rest-frame optical counterparts. There is evidence for a systematic trend of older ages at smaller galactocentric radii among the clumps, consistent with scenarios where inward migration of clumps transports material toward the central regions. From constraints on a bulge-like component at radii ≾1-3 kpc, none of the five disks in our sample appears to contain a compact massive stellar core, and we do not discern a trend of bulge stellar mass fraction with stellar age of the galaxy. Further observations are necessary to probe the buildup of stellar bulges and the role of clumps in this process

    SINFONI Integral Field Spectroscopy of z~2 UV-selected Galaxies: Rotation Curves and Dynamical Evolution

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    We present 0.5" resolution near-IR integral field spectroscopy of the Ha line emission of 14 z~2 UV-selected BM/BX galaxies obtained with SINFONI at ESO/VLT. The mean Ha half-light radius r_1/2 is about 4kpc and line emission is detected over > ~20kpc in several sources. In 9 sources, we detect spatially-resolved velocity gradients, from 40 to 410 km/s over ~10kpc. The observed kinematics of the larger systems are consistent with orbital motions. Four galaxies are well described by rotating disks with clumpy morphologies and we extract rotation curves out to radii > ~10kpc. One or two galaxies exhibit signatures more consistent with mergers. Analyzing all 14 galaxies in the framework of rotating disks, we infer mean inclination- and beam-corrected maximum circular velocities v_c of 180+-90 km/s and dynamical masses of (0.5-25)x10^10 Msun within r_1/2. On average, the dynamical masses are consistent with photometric stellar masses assuming a Chabrier/Kroupa IMF but too small for a 0.1-100 Msun Salpeter IMF. The specific angular momenta of our BM/BX galaxies are similar to those of local late-type galaxies. The specific angular momenta of their baryons are comparable to those of their dark matter halos. Extrapolating from the average v_c at 10kpc, the virial mass of the typical halo of a galaxy in our sample is 10^(11.7+-0.5) Msun. Kinematic modeling of the 3 best cases implies a ratio of v_c to local velocity dispersion of order 2-4 and accordingly a large geometric thickness. We argue that this suggests a mass accretion (alternatively, gas exhaustion) timescale of ~500Myr. We also argue that if our BM/BX galaxies were initially gas rich, their clumpy disks will subsequently lose their angular momentum and form compact bulges on a timescale of ~1 Gyr. [ABRIDGED]Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 17 pages, 5 color figure

    Spitzer Quasar and ULIRG evolution study (QUEST): I. The origin of the far infrared continuum of QSOs

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    This paper addresses the origin of the far-infrared (FIR) continuum of QSOs, based on the Quasar and ULIRG Evolution Study (QUEST) of nearby QSOs and ULIRGs using observations with the Spitzer Space Telescope. For 27 Palomar-Green QSOs at z <~ 0.3, we derive luminosities of diagnostic lines ([NeII]12.8um, [NeV]14.3um, [OIV]25.9um) and emission features (PAH7.7um emission which is related to star formation), as well as continuum luminosities over a range of mid- to far-infrared wavelengths between 6 and 60um. We detect star-formation related PAH emission in 11/26 QSOs and fine-structure line emission in all of them, often in multiple lines. The detection of PAHs in the average spectrum of sources which lack individual PAH detections provides further evidence for the widespread presence of PAHs in QSOs. Similar PAH/FIR and [NeII]/FIR ratios are found in QSOs and in starburst-dominated ULIRGs and lower luminosity starbursts. We conclude that the typical QSO in our sample has at least 30% but likely most of the far-infrared luminosity (~ 10^(10...12)Lsun) arising from star formation, with a tendency for larger star formation contribution at the largest FIR luminosities. In the QSO sample, we find correlations between most of the quantities studied including combinations of AGN tracers and starburst tracers. The common scaling of AGN and starburst luminosities (and fluxes) is evidence for a starburst-AGN connection in luminous AGN. Strong correlations of far-infrared continuum and starburst related quantities (PAH, low excitation [NeII]) offer additional support for the starburst origin of far-infrared emission.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap